
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

One Smile

Is how it all started , a kind word , a nod and a smile.
My journey is a nice one so far, to see myself trough others eyes. To listen to what they have to say without questioning it. To understand to appreciate everything that is given to me and to give without expecting anything in return.

I once told a friend " trough your eyes i can see your heart shining" she answered me by saying " it is the refection of your heart that you see"
That phrase lead me to this blog.
She is an inspiration to me , a true lady with a very big heart , her one mission is to make people feel better and look good. To make this world a better place one pink strand at a time.

I have been blessed to know her and it is in a funny way that i met her.
Trough another lady that i adore her aunt a teacher , I'm drawn to these ladies because , i feed on their knowledge.
So has i blog the stories , i will tell you will be of people that have changed my life and my way of thinking.

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